Monday, July 26, 2010

Impact of long-term unemployment: Lost income, lost friends, loss of self-respect and depression + Economic insecurity in the US is at its highest in 25 years

drink Guinness until the cows come home..., or [y]our sheep...

This first article is written by the founder of FinFacts, which we have found to be an exceptional source for both informative articles, but also very good charts, like those below.

We ask, again: "Why are these economic articles about U.S. being written in Ireland, and not inside U.S.?"

Disirregardless, even, you, too, might, permissive, like to read & learn about the views of the founder of this very good web site.

Besides, these are VERY interesting articles, you NEED to read.
Impact of long-term unemployment:
Lost income, lost friends, loss of self-respect and depression
Economic insecurity in the US is at its highest in 25 years

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