Friday, July 30, 2010

U.S. recovery sputters + Consumers not spending like drunken sailors + Obama's consumer confidence problem

or miss the CNN trifecta...

What CNN is showing U.S. is that the reason we are not spending like drunken sailors is that we are caught in the doldrums..., and are not going anywhere.
Not falling where we cannot get up, is good.
Falling a little bit more each year for years, is not good.

Like those who have taken too many antibiotics, and now they don't work for you anymore...
We appear to think we have taken too many "economic stimulants", and don't what to take them anymore.

This is NOT good.
That is exactly the same mistake FDR made in the middle of the Great Depression - he quit doing beneficial things FAR to early. IF we make THAT mistake we will pay for it for decades - maybe, if China continues, forever.

Much too ugly.
More than it should be.


U.S. recovery sputters
Consumers not spending like drunken sailors
Obama's consumer confidence problem;
American consumers are looking at Washington, and they don't like what they see

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