Saturday, October 2, 2010

Foreclosure Mess: More on BofA Foreclosure Freeze, Wells Fargo satisfied with Procedures + Report: Title Insurance company stops insuring Chase Foreclosures

not read what all the shouting is all about...

There was "fraud in the inception" when they originated these bad RE loans.
Now, they are committing fraud, that is going to bite them, and U.S., in the ass.

What was a mess, has now turned absolutely disgusting.

As you will see from the 2n article, IF the title insurance industry will not insure NEW "foreclosures..., that does not even begin to address those that have been foreclosed and re-sold.

While we DID need a "jobs bill", did we really need another "Lawyers' Relief Act"?
Census workers per week
Foreclosure Mess:
More on BofA Foreclosure Freeze
Wells Fargo satisfied with Procedures
Report: Title Insurance company
stops insuring Chase Foreclosures

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