Saturday, October 2, 2010

Jail and Jobs

not see that all of U.S. are guaranteed by the Constitution to be equal...
THAT provision is NOT enforced or applied that way.

What this shows U.S. is that in spite of what we SAY we believe and do...
what we actually do is VERY different.

Those who believe that "illegal immigrants" are our most serious problem, simply are ignoring what has not changed. If you did not know it before, you DO know it now - from the Tea Party reactions to Obama. Racism is alive an well among U.S.

We thought that not only had we made some progress, but we were better than that.
Among the other disturbing findings (in chart form) from the report:
1) The United States houses more inmates than the top 35 European countries combined.DESCRIPTION
2) Incarceration rates in the United States have risen sharply since 1980, especially for young black men. Today more than one in three young black men without a high school diploma is currently behind bars.
3) If you include inmates when looking at the jobs picture, that picture looks a whole lot worse. Believe it or not, young black men who dropped out of high school are more likely to be incarcerated than employed.

DESCRIPTION---------4) These trends have implications not only for those who are serving time, but also for the families that depend on them. There are twice as many minor children with incarcerated parents as there are incarcerated parents.DESCRIPTION

Jail and Jobs

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