Saturday, October 2, 2010

Unofficial Problem Bank List increases to 877 institutions

not see what most of the rest of U.S. do not see...

This is not only the latest "unofficial problem bank list"...
but, CR provides U.S. with a summary of where we have come from the beginning of the CR providing U.S. with this unique and extremely valuable tool for U.S. to understand.
Below is probably the best explanation you will read for this last year.
Transition Matrix
With the passage of another quarter, it is time to update the transition matrix. The Unofficial Problem Bank List debuted on August 7, 2009 with 389 institutions with assets of $276.3 billion (see table). 

Over the past 13 months, 144 institutions have been removed from the original list with 103 due to failure, 29 due to action termination, and 12 due to unassisted merger. Thus, about 72 percent of the removals are from failure. 

Nearly 27 percent of the 389 institutions on the original list have failed, which is substantially higher than the 12 percent figure usually cited by the media as the failure rate for institutions on the FDIC Problem Bank List. Failed bank assets have totaled $159 billion or nearly 58 percent of the $276.3 billion on the original list.

Since the publication of the original list, another 740 institutions have been added. However, only 632 of those 740 additions remain on the current list as 108 institutions have been removed in the interim. Of the 108 interim removals, 88 were due to failure, 15 were due to unassisted merger, 4 from action termination, and one from voluntary liquidation.

Again, failure represents a disproportionate 81.5 percent of the reason for removal. In total, 1,129 institutions have made an appearance on the Unofficial Problem Bank List and 191 or 16.9 percent have failed. 

The average asset size of removals because of failure is $1.2 billion. Currently, the average asset size of institutions on the current list is $474 million versus $710 million on the original list. This would suggest the asset size of future failures will likely be lower.

Unofficial Problem Bank List
Change Summary
Number of InstitutionsAssets ($Thousands)
Start (8/7/2009)389276,313,429
Action Terminated29(4,038,439)
Unassisted Merger12(1,762,072)
Asset Change(11,891,765)
Still on List at 7/02/201024599,583,639
End (10/01/2010)877416,101,018
Interperiod Deletions1
Action Terminated412,881,783
Unassisted Merger152,545,683
Voluntary Liquidation1119,082
1Institution not on 8/7/2009 or 10/01/2010 list but appeared on a list between these dates.
Here is the unofficial problem bank list for Oct 1, 2010.
Unofficial Problem Bank List increases to 877 institutions

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