Friday, October 29, 2010

"the government doesn't seem to represent the people anymore." = Special Report: A Marshall Plan for America's housing woes

not read, and understand, that Bob might be right...
said Robert Shiller, Yale University economics professor and co-creator of the S&P Case Shiller Index, which monitors the nation's housing market.
"This high unemployment equilibrium could last for years,"
"If you are going to deal with this in the short run, you are going to have to violate contracts,"
"What is more worrisome than the recession itself is that the government doesn't seem to represent the people anymore." 
C/sh/Whould it be possible...
that neither party truly represents their own constituency, or the rest of U.S.

Well..., as RonnieR used to say to U.S.:     Do we have a treat, designed just for you.
(and, no, that was not a question)

There was a line:   "If its not broke, don't fix it."
Is the opposite true?

Disirregardless, this is a must read for U.S.

Special Report: A Marshall Plan for America's housing woes

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