Saturday, November 27, 2010

Consumer prices increase 1.2 percent in 12 months + Producer prices in October 2010 - stage-of-processing indexes = Real earnings in October 2010

not see that (y)our income...
and (y)our costs...
are both down...

But that does not change the fact that things are not going well for U.S.
12-month percent change in CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), not seasonally adjusted, October 2009–October 2010
Over-the-month percent change in selected stage-of-processing price indexes, seasonally adjusted, October 2010
Over-the-month change in real average hourly earnings for all employees, 
seasonally adjusted, October 2009–October 2010
Consumer prices increase 1.2 percent in 12 months
Producer prices in October 2010 — stage-of-processing indexes
Real earnings in October 2010

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