Tuesday, November 23, 2010

FDIC's Bair rebukes bankers = Profit-minded bankers risk undermining the financial system's modest recovery + Bank earnings skyrocket in 3Q as FDIC problem list nears 17-year high

pretend that you don't really need the loan loss reserves...
that you know you will need to "cover" up your mistakes.

But, where IS your/the money better spent...
obviously, on MY salary and bonuses NOW...!!!
Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 903 Institutions

The FDIC released the Q3 Quarterly Bank report today.
Net income for the 7,760 insured commercial banks and savings institutions reporting quarterly financial results totaled $14.5 billion, a considerable improvement over the $2 billion reported a year ago. Third quarter net income was below the $17.7 billion and $21.4 billion reported in the first and second quarters of this year, respectively, but the shortfall was attributable to a $10.1 billion quarterly net loss at one large institution that had a $10.4 billion charge for goodwill impairment. Absent this loss, third quarter earnings would have represented a three-year high. Almost two out of every three institutions (63.3 percent) reported higher net income than a year earlier, and fewer than one in five (18.9 percent) was unprofitable. This is the lowest percentage of unprofitable institutions since second quarter 2008. A year ago, more than 27 percent of all institutions reported negative net income.
FDIC's Bair rebukes bankers
Profit-minded bankers risk undermining the financial system's modest recovery
Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 903 Institutions
Bank earnings skyrocket in 3Q
as FDIC problem list nears 17-year high

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