Saturday, March 5, 2011

MBA - Mortgage Application Volume Down + Dip 6.5% = REFI down 6.5 and purchase down 6.1

see yourselves going down for the count, again...
While the mass selling off of USTBills was driving up yields and the mortgage rates
suddenly, along with quiet in Libya, that stopped.
However, while the mortgage rates did drop back a little bit, there has been no similar rise in either refis or purchase apps.
Oddly, most of U.S. simply do not believe it, yet.
We do need it to continue.
So, it probably won't.
But, these Sold on Top chart show the devastating effects of the RE collapse.
Probably better than anyone else's.



MBA - Mortgage Application Volume Down + Dip 6.5%
Reading Rates: MBA Application Survey – March 02 2011
Demand for home loans declines, Mortgage Bankers Assn. says
--------   AND

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