Saturday, April 2, 2011

Employment Summary and Part Time Workers, Unemployed over 26 Weeks

assume that the world is now rosy for U.S. at the end of Q-1
THESE three charts show U.S. why Calculated Risk is held to such high esteem, and it is called one of the best, if not THE best, economic info/blog source.
Now we are at the end of Q-1, we need to LOOK, really SEE, where we are.
When all are saying that it is finally over and we are moving in the right direction
YOU need only look at CR's 1st chart to see that is a lie.
NO other chart shows U.S. so clearly how deep in a hole we in fact are
nor, how far we much rise to get back.
The 2nd and 3rd charts show U.S. that having a job does not mean your fully employed
and that being out of work for a very long time is the new norm.
What these two charts do NOT show U.S. is all those "quitters"
those who have given up, knowing that there are no jobs to be found.
Below is a post, with charts, that show U.S. that there are LESS people now employed than before W was elected over a decade ago.
While there are now 30 million more of U.S.
As Marie said:  "Let them eat cake."
Percent Job Losses During Recessions

Part Time for Economic Reasons

Unemployed over 26 Weeks

Employment Summary, Part Time Workers
and Unemployed over 26 Weeks

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