Friday, April 1, 2011

Jobs Picture Brightened Slightly in March with 216,000 Added + As Jobs Improve, Long-Term Unemployment Remains a Big Problem

mis-read The News that sweeping the Nation...
These are a set of jobs/UI charts that must be seen.
There are a couple of articles that must be read.
Fail Not, at your peril.

According to Colin Barr @ Fortune in "Job seekers' lost decade" there are 7 million of U.S. less employed than at W's peak. There are no more currently employed and there are 30 million more of U.S. than when W was elected.

This is supported by Ms C's article in Economix: "A Long, Slow Slog Back to Normal"
and by Bill@CR's chart @

According to Ms C - IF job growth was up to 450K per month, we would be back to "W's normal" by the end of BO's current term in office.
Not even ONE (1) month in the last decade has created that many jobs.

The average is equal to the current level.

At the current level - this month and last - we will not be back to "W's normal" until AFTER the term of whichever President succeeds BO - 2016.

So, where, precisely, Daniel, is all that progress you think you see?

As they said in the Emergency Room: "We know that you aren't/can't be bleeding to death, bcuz you appear to be still alive!"

We trust, of course, that our comment to your prior post will be accepted as an April Fools Joke.

True, our mother's did warn us that someday we would probably go blind; but this post suggests that you are not there, yet.

My problem with your problem is that you STILL are looking at what "They" are telling U.S. about "The UN-employment Problem".

What you do NOT see - true, Daniel, not bcuz you are not looking; but bcuz they are hiding it from U.S. - is The Fact that when we compare the number of people who ARE working, with the number of U.S. more now, the numbers simply do NOT compute - unless you admit that there are almost unbelievably large number of U.S. who would love to find/have a job, and cannot.

Let me be Frank with you - oh, we know, we always get to be frank:

What if all of those lost souls DID have jobs; and were paying taxes? Into local, state & federal budgets? Into SS, Medicaid and Medicare? Into Walmart & Best Buy, et al?

Where would all of U.S. be now?

The most obvious solution to (y)our problemS is to cut even more; and closer to the bone.

Or, so thought "The Circumcised Cynic".

Disirregardless, Daniel, great two article.
duration stats 2011-03.png
Jobs Picture Brightened Slightly in March with 216,000 Added
As Jobs Improve, Long-Term Unemployment Remains a Big Problem

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