Friday, April 1, 2011

Government Foreclosure Prevention Reports More Lackluster Results + aka, a total failure, as they intended

believe them, when they say that they only did "it" to you...
bcuz they loveD (doing it to?) you.
This is possibly the most disgusting thing that Timidly Getmore, and Barack, have done to U.S.

Given (?) to U.S. by them, & the ridiculously low results, tis impossible to argue - although they still will/do; or believe - which none of U.S. did/or/do; that they ever had any intention for this to work. Was no more, or less, than "a cover up" of bankster fraud.

When Richard Nixon was caught lying to U.S., he had the decency left, or is that being right, to resign.

Not only will TG-etmore not resign, nor will BO-blivious fire him, but both will be richly - both figuratively and literally - rewarded for this "fraud in the inception", "fraud in the execution", and "grossly negligent" and intentional fraud.

Not only did TG-etmine and BO-bscurate NOT increase any of the taxes on the richest of U.S., they intentionally transferred Trillions of US$ from (y)our pockets into their friends. The poorest of U.S. who voted for BO have not suffered all that much -we had nothing left to loose. The richest - both those who paid to put BO into office, and those who voted against him - have reaped stunning amounts of cash & equity.

The once, and never more, middle class has been literally and figuratively skewered (sp).


Government Foreclosure Prevention Reports More Lackluster Results

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