Saturday, June 4, 2011

BLS - TED Jun 3 = Duration of unemployment, 1994–2010 + Employed foreign-born and native-born persons by occupation, 2010

miss the 2n weekly report that should not be missed.
While this 1st chart is not unique it is interesting.
Note the extreme shift in length of being unemployed
For Arid-zone-ians the 2nd chart is very interesting
bcuz it confirms what we know
immigrants took all the construction and meat preparation jobs
throwing out high paying union employees, & hiring cheap substitutes
but we white men has hung on to the "managerial positions"
and kept the money to ourselves.
Share of the unemployed who found jobs by weeks of duration of unemployment, annual averages, 1994-2010
Employed foreign-born and native-born persons 16 years and over by occupation, percent distribution, 2010 annual averages
BLS - TED Jun 3 = Duration of unemployment, 1994–2010
Employed foreign-born and native-born persons by occupation, 2010

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