Saturday, June 4, 2011

CR: May Employment Report: 54,000 Jobs, 9.1% Unemployment Rate + Part Time Workers, and Unemployed over 26 Weeks + Unemployment by Duration and Education

wonder why Bill@CR's server crashed this morning.
When those in the know went there first thing this morning to see what Bill@CR would explain to U.S.
They say:  "Success breeds success!"
We say: "Success breeds more computer crashes than Windows."
We may both be right.
Disirregardless..., CR's charts today are absolutely the best of the best.
Go there, click on the HUGE charts and see for yourselves.
The 1st chart is different this month, bcuz it combines the unemployment rate with both the participation rate and the employment-population ration.
What Bill@CR has been telling U.S. for months and years now is there has been a HUGE decline in the number of U.S. working.
That translates into HUGE declines in Federal tax revenues, state & local tax revenues AND in SS, Medicare & Medicaid tax revenues AND ALSO in unemployment funds revenues.
The 2nd and 3 rd charts are the best of breed.
They show U.S. two ways to see how low, how long and how bad this one really is.
The 4th and 5th charts show U.S. not only are we UNDER employed, being part time workers; but those who are unemployed have been for MUCH longer than normal.
That means two things: first, that as bad as the posted BLS numbers are, they are only the tip of the iceberg; and second, that "THIS one really is different !!!"
The last two charts show U.S. that all Americans are NOT equal.
The less educated you are, the more unemployed you are.
Which is why many of U.S. took out student loans and went back to school.
the longer you have been out of work the more desperate your predicament.
Now we have:
the very rich
the very poorly paid
those with no hope at all.







May Employment Report: 54,000 Jobs, 9.1% Unemployment Rate
Employment Summary: Part Time Workers, and Unemployed over 26 Weeks
Birth/Death Model and Unemployment by Duration and Education

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