Saturday, June 4, 2011

The U.S. economy added just 54,000 workers, the fewest since September. Is the news as bad as it looks? + Americans Exiting and Entering the Workforce

assume that what they are telling U.S. we see, actually IS what we should see
The charts 1 and 2 and the table re-state what most news reports are telling U.S.
What you might find disturbing in the table is the decline in "retail" jobs.
This is NOT the after Christmas normal decline.
What it is, and where it is, is not explained.
The 3rd and 4th charts show U.S. what in NOT shown to U.S. in the BLS main unemployment numbers - those of U.S. underemployed or who are still being counted.
What Daniel@Altlantic shows U.S. in the last two charts are
those who are no longer being counted.
What you may, as in economically should, find interesting
is when and how many left the work force.
At the very far right of the 2nd to the last chart you will see that in the 1st Q of this year a large number of U.S. re-entered the labor force THINKING that jobs were, finally coming back.
What little did they know?
That was then, this is now - May.
The last chart shows U.S. that as W left office
over 7 and half million of U.S. abandoned the work force.
Those people are NOT now being counted as unemployed.
Try telling them than.
unemp 2011-05 cht2.png





workforce sidelines 2011-05 v2.png
workforce sidelines 2011-05 annual.png
Hiring Slowed in May as the Jobless Rate Ticked Up to 9.1%
The U.S. economy added just 54,000 workers, the fewest since September.
Is the news as bad as it looks?
Chart of the Day: Americans Exiting and Entering the Workforce

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