Thursday, December 8, 2011

CoreLogic: House Price Index declined 1.3% in October + LPS: House Price Index Shows 1.2 Percent decline in September

think that the last word is from Case-Shiller...
and then discover more recent news.
What you need to do is compare the two CoreLogic maps
the first is with both foreclosures and "normal" RE sales combined.
the 2nd is with only "normal" RE sales.
Oddly the West Coast is almost solid RED when you do count in foreclosurs.
But, when they are backed out
Nevada and Arizona are still dropping like a rock.
but, the three coastal states are not.
What is even more odd is that there are some other differing RE reports.



CoreLogic: House Price Index declined 1.3% in October
CoreLogic predicts flat home prices through 2013
LPS: House Price Index Shows 1.2 Percent decline in September
September home prices dip 1.2% in LPS home price index

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