Friday, December 9, 2011

U.S. Trade Deficit narrowed in Oct to $43.5 billion, the lowest point of the year + As Imports Fall By More Than Exports = shrinks for fourth straight month = Americans bought fewer foreign cars and imported less oil.

wonder whether or not we are digging ourselves deeper in debt...
well..., more deeper, then.
Then look at CR's two graphs...
the one much like everyone else's...
and then the REAL one with crude oil separated out.
Oh, you do know, do you not that oil "rises to the top".
{that's not meant as a joke, exactly}
See, though we are still very far down...
things are looking up...!!!


Trade Deficit declines in October
U.S. Trade Deficit October 2011: Trade Gap Narrowest In Months
U.S. October International Trade in Goods and Services

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