Thursday, December 15, 2011

Housing: REO and Mortgage Delinquencies = Lawler on FHA: Slow Pace of Conveyances, Solid Sales Pushes SF Inventory to Lowest Level since mid-2008

find the FHA "corrections" very puzzling...., to be sure...
What we are now being told is that the FHA numbers were "strange"
and that even after the new "corrections" they still are strange.
However, what Bill@CR and Lawler have done for U.S.
is to up date the almost total REO numbers.
In the 1st chart we see that the PLS - Wall Street Banksters "securitized" RE loan packages...
have declined sharply.
How may of them still exist in the sand states of Cal, Nev, Fla & AZ is not clear.
We think they are almost gone in AZ,
down substantially in Cal and Nev
and still piled up behind the robo-signing mess in Fla
In the 2nd chart we see that the Agency - FMae+FMac+FHA - REOs are down
but they still are huge in numbers, and many might still be in the sand states
we simply do not know.
In the 3rd chart we can see that what is IN the REO listings is way down
but, what is in the 90+ day bucket is still more than enough to RE-FILL the REO listings.
And, the 30+ day lates are increasing - a lot !!!
In the 4th chart we see proof that the REO listing are being fed...
the new acquisitions are about equal to the current dispositions.
Bluntly, they add them when they sell'm.
In AZ the listing prices appear to be taking a US$ 20K haircut, for "all cash buyers".
In a related story BkofA was just told that they either firmed up their balance sheet - with cash - or risked being taken over by the FDIC




Lawler on FHA: Slow Pace of Conveyances, Solid Sales Pushes SF Inventory to Lowest Level since mid-2008
Housing: REO and Mortgage Delinquencies

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