Friday, January 13, 2012

Demographic Headwinds: The Decline of Peak Spenders

not know that The End is Near....

If this analysis by Doug "selling U.S.Short" is not discouraging enough, you need to read his other article today:
Retail Sales: A Disappointing 0.1% in December

There he points out:
The Age 45-49 cohort peaked in 2009 and will bottom out in 2022

after an estimated decline of 13.4% from the 2009 population.
The Census Bureau's estimate for 2012 would give us an additional 8.8% decline in numbers for the big spending cohort before bottoming out.
So, not only do we have retiring baby-boomers, but we also have a huge decline in peak year spenders, with a huge decline in their and everyone's ability to borrow and spend.
The Good News is that with nobody working and paying taxes none of it matters.

The End is Near...!!!
Get out your Mayan Calendars...
{so you'll know which day of the month to remember to have sex}


Demographic Headwinds: The Decline of Peak Spenders

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