Monday, May 24, 2010

Tax credit fuels surge in April home sales: best showing in 5 month + Inventories Increase

miss the main media reports, like Bloomberg & NYTimes

These three article by AP, NYTs and Bloomberg are the better news stories.

Please, note that the NYT sales price chart is not "repeat sales", nor similar home sales, merely the arithmetic average. It does not tell U.S. which price range they were in, nor whether the listing prices were cut.

Tax credit fuels surge in April home sales
7.6 percent jump in resales is best showing in 5 month
Home Sales in April Top Expectations

U.S. Economy: Hom
e PurchasesInventories Increase
  Realty Check
Sales of existing homes climbed 7.6% in April as buyers raced to beat the tax credit deadline. CNBC's Diana Olick has more on this and other real estate headlines.


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