not see that woe-men are taking the rest of U.S. to the cleaners...
Catherine, who an "economical" woe-man, likes this chart, bcuz it shows her and U.S. that almost ALL woemen are earning more than they were. Now, not only are there too many more OF them - more at birth, more in college, more in law & medicine, more at work, absolutely "not just" - a lot more of them - everywhere.
And, more of them are "Blue" voters than we "Red" white and never blue voters.
{while white men are into The Blues about loosing to Obama..., our cheeks are bright red with anger...!!!}
So, not only do they live longer than "the rest of U.S.", taking all of our hard earned money, that we forgot to spend on them; but, they earn more now than they did before. And, in this the Great Recession, they are NOT loosing their jobs as the rest of U.S. are...!!! How really un-American is that!
Now, it seems to me, we DO need to adopt "The Equal Rights Amendment".
And, to re-adopt the Inheritance Tax - to take back our estates and to give all of it to America, first...!!!
Fat chance of getting "Them!!" to vote for any of that now.
If you did not understand my sense of humour...
you probably didn't appreciate it either.
Or, if you are absolutely "not just" another white man, you probably did both.
July 7, 2010, 10:38 AM
Do You Earn More Than Your Parents Did?
Here is yet another wrinkle in the eternal debate over who had it tougher, father or son (or, mother or daughter):
The chart above, adapted from a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report, shows the difference in weekly pay between people with a given education level today and their counterparts from a generation ago.
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