Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MBA: Mortgage Purchase Applications Decrease, Refis increase

not see we are now back to normal, when Clinton left office....

"Well...", as RonnieR used to tells U.S., isn't this very interesting.

When Bill Clinton was in office, the index rose from 100 to 300 = up 200
When WBush was in his 1st term, the index rose from 300 to 500 = up 200.
When WBush was in his 2nd term, the index dropped from 500 to 175 = down 325.
Which means, of course, that all of U.S. are now more than 150% worse off...
     than we were when W took over the office from Bill.

That is NOT what the Far Right amoung U.S. wants to see, or hear, or learn.
{nor will they appreciate my sense of humour...}
MBA Purchase Index
by CalculatedRisk on 7/07/2010 07:21:00 AM

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