find vacant..., places where you don't want any vacancies....
Thanks to CR we have this very interesting graph.
This graph shows the office vacancy rate starting 1991
Why is this so interesting you might, but should not have to ask...
"Well...", as RonnieR used to tell U.S. it shows ALL of those of U.S...
on the very Far Right and those somewhat more to the left..., of them...
that ON the far left is the beginning of Clinton's term of office & the end of W's father's.
Precisely in the middle, at the end of William Jefferson's two terms..
you do see, do you not, the lowest point of vacancy rates...
And, TO the Far Right of that point, there are two (2) recessions in W's term of "vacant office"s
one beginning when he did, and one beginning when he, finally, left U.S.
Sadly, and we must wonder about this, he never appears as "vacant" as his father did.
Somehow that seems to U.S., with 20-20 vision, to be somewhat backwards.
Tomorrow, we will be getting the Reis numbers and charts for apartments and for shopping malls. They will be as, or more, ugly.
Remember to go to CR's web site, and then...
Click on graph for larger image in new window.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
by CalculatedRisk on 7/06/2010 08:23:00 AM
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