Friday, July 9, 2010

Tapped-out consumers weigh on recovery = Spending alone may not end this downturn

think this is only about being out of Budweiser beer...

One of more interesting articles, which is posted earlier/below showed U.S. about all of the California REFIs where the owners had taken out one REFI after another to extract their now "paper" profits - leaving BOTH underwater and with not equity left. They took the money out and spent it.

This chart shows U.S. that that was then..., THIS is now.!!

Underwater, tapped out AND now out of work - ie, BK.
Ain't life grand.

Spending alone may not end this downturn
In past U.S. recessions, consumers tightened their belts when the economy was contracting, and began spending again once growth returned. This time may be different.
Tapped-out consumers weigh on recovery
Unless spending kicks in, economy could remain weak for years to come
In past U.S. recessions, consumers tightened their belts when the economy was contracting, and began spending again once growth returned. This time may be different

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