Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Grief Graph Friday: The international wealth gap = the W years

not see that you been had....
-------------    Your worth Before W and After W
Before - only the Swiss were above U.S.
After - France, Sweden, Autralia, Norway AND the Swiss are above U.S.
and, Italy and England are fast catching up.
------------    the end of W (and your jobs) to the new beginning of O
Our Frozen Recovery
 ------------    what W gave to all of U.S.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailout
--------    How big W's sinkhole is
-------------    Proof of who..., did what..., to you !!!
File:CBO Forecast Changes for 2009-2012.png
Good Grief Graph Friday:
The international wealth gap = the W years

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