Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WSJ: Here come the GSE Put-Backs = Regulator for Fannie Set to Get Litigious

miss out on all the "legal" vs "ill-legal" action(s)...
Below are three takes on what the newly filed class action means.
As Jim @CR suggests, the third one, by Naked Capitalism, is the most interesting.
Enjoy, your reading.
The GSEs have a huge advantage over other investors because the FHFA can issue subpoenas. The article mentions estimates that the banks could face put-backs ranging from $24 billion to as high as $179 billion.
WSJ: Here come the GSE Put-Backs
Regulator for Fannie Set to Get Litigious
More on Why the PIMCO, BlackRock, Freddie, NY Fed Letter to Countrywide on Putbacks Is Way Overhyped

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