Thursday, December 9, 2010

$130 billion tax breaks for the wealthiest 2.5 million - $56 billion for unemployment extension but nothing for 99ers and Social Security

think that they are telling U.S. what WE need to know, or want to hear.

But when it comes to 24 million underemployed, 4.5 million 99ers and 54 million retirees, there is only $56 billion available.  
Republicans are willing to offer $130 billion in tax cuts for the wealthy, but they weren’t willing to spend $13 billion to help millions of Social Security recipients
that 54 million Social Security recipients, many on fixed incomes, are not worth 1/10 the cost of helping 2.5 million American households that earn more than $250,000 a year.
So let’s put this in perspective. There are 15 million unemployed, and 9 million underemployed who want full time work. Obama and the Republicans are willing to spend $56 billion to help only 30% of the unemployed (7 million who will receive benefit extensions over the next 13 months/24 million underemployed). Yet at the same time, Obama and the Republicans are willing to spend $130 billion on tax breaks for 2.5 million of the wealthiest American households.
What happened to the lifeline for the 4.5 million 99ers and 5 million other unemployed who can’t collect benefits? They have lost their lifeline, but are being completely ignored in this $900 billion package of benefits.


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