Thursday, December 9, 2010

SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Homes Lost $1.7 Trillion in Value in 2010, Total Value Destruction Since Market Peak Now $9 Trillion, Cost of 12 Iraq Wars

think that 9 Trillion a only a few Billion here and there...

But, note that while Phoenix, and the other sand state dropped off early...
Seattle and Portland are fast catching up, now dropping faster.
U.S. Homes Lost $1.7 Trillion in Value in 2010, Total Value Destruction Since Market Peak Now $9 Trillion, Cost of 12 Iraq Wars
This brings the total loss since the market peaked in June 2006 to $9 trillion.
To put this in perspective, $9 trillion is:
12 times the cost of the war in Iraq
900 times the value of the most expensive home in the world
a little over 9 times the GDP of Australia.

SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Homes Lost $1.7 Trillion in Value in 2010
Total Value Destruction Since Market Peak Now $9 Trillion, Cost of 12 Iraq Wars
Home Values Lose $1.7 Trillion in 2010, Prices Still Falling
Zillow: U.S. home values down $1.7T for year, Phoenix $36B
Seattle homes are worth $25 billion less this year

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