Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Hint of Good Job Market News + BLS: Job Openings increase sharply in October, Labor Turnover still Low

assume that this is as good as they tell U.S. it is...
It isn't, quite yet.

The comments below were made about the AP story.
While both MsC@NYT and Jim@CR tell U.S. a more balanced story...
we must remember, as with 150,000 PLUS job creation...
it can vanish in a wink, wink.

Dec-07 @ 5:45 PM
This headline and article are misleading. True, there was a spike in job openings, and that is very good news. However, there was a spike as large a few months ago, followed by a sharp decline.
Same facts, same headlines, followed by newspaper silence.
Is this spike real, or will it be again followed by a sharp drop off? Ah, but hope springs eternal in a business news breast.
Dec-07 @ 5:59 PM
According to Calculated Risk, in April of this year there was an even larger spike, that when combined with March, suggested a major shift in job openings. Sadly, May & June set U.S. back to where we were in Jan. This openings report is for the same time period as the monthly BLS reports showing that we had added 150,000 new jobs.
That was then, this is now. The latest monthly BLS report last Friday showed U.S. that that was prematurely optimistic. New openings means "listings" for applications, it does NOT mean that they will actually hire anyone, nor that it will be full time employment.
Might be, might not.
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey
A Hint of Good Job Market News
BLS: Job Openings increase sharply in October, Labor Turnover still Low
Nationally, job openings rise sharply to most in 2 years

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