Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Medical & Mental - Health care is eating a hole in Pentagon budget

not remember that when we began the war(s) in Iraq N Afghanistan...
W did not increase the budget for "medical care"...
not then, not later, and now...
well, somebodies got to do it.

Well, we KNEW there would be some casualties...
and bcuz of what we learned in Vietnam about how to treat them...
we knew that we could save a lot more lives !!!
That was the Good News, they didn't have to die.

That was also the Bad News, they didn't die.
As the man on TV used to tell U.S...
       "But, it'll cost ya'..."
Now, WE are going to have to PAY for the medical & mental health care "the survivors" need.
Health care is eating a hole in Pentagon budget

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