Wednesday, February 23, 2011

America: The Hungriest, Most Imprisoned Developed Country on Earth

believe what you have a Constitutional Right to believe...
disirregardless of whether it is factually accurate or not.

This very interesting, informative chart was picked up by Atlantic from the NYTimes.

If you read the Atlantic comments, you will know, what you surely would not have guessed...
that some of U.S. simply do not believe any criticism of U.S. is valid.

As Pooh said of U.S.:  "Being as you are."

Pashley, JonF311 and Joseph_2:
Since your minds - as Pooh said "Being as they are." - appear to be already made up to see what you would like to see, permit me to apologize for Derick and IMF's attempts to confuse you with The Facts.
IF you do not see that the rating for Canada vs U.S. are, in fact, correct, you are acting unnecessarily like another of Rush's "DittoHeads".
Canada has a very conservative elected government, unlike your Ws. Under Harper they did NOT have the RE bubble collapse OR any bank crisis. They did not bailout private enterprise cos like GM, AIG & the Big Bad Banks; and they did NOT "nationalize" businesses like FMae&FMac!!! They do NOT have decades of foreign trade deficits, and they have been creating jobs for Canadians - unlike your W's destroying 8+ million jobs, or whomever's Obama who hasn't figured out how to create any. They at least try to balance their Dominion & Provincial budgets without killing anyone, or destroying themselves.
And, they have free medical care - with greater life expectancy than U.S. They are better educated, healthier, live longer and don't tend to hate themselves, or much of anybody else.
You should BE so lucky.
You might notice that we said that Canada did not bailout the auto cos. What they DID do was give funds to Canadian auto factories - on the condition that they maintain there current employment - to save jobs. True, your American auto cos took Canada's money, and then breeched your agreement by cutting jobs. Oh, we know, keeping American promises is not necessary when dealing with foreign countries, is it?
Is this not too Far Right much like: "We can torture you, but if you torture any of U.S., you will have violated OUR International Rights." You MUST recognize ours, but you cannot expect U.S. to recognize yours.
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse & Gitmo/Guantanamo are OK with U.S., but what both Iran and Iraq are still doing is, inherently?, wrong? The Israelis can do it, but the ARabs cannot. We will do anything to track down bin Laden, but will not even try to stop what the Mexican drug cartels are doing to U.S. on both side of the border?
If you think THIS criticism is unfair, you should see/listen/learn what the rest of the world thinks about U.S.!!! Oh, and all "Those People" outnumber you by 10 to 1.
Oh, and Those Chinese - who outnumber you by only 3 to 1 - are still willing to bail U.S. out, for now. So, at least try to be careful what you say about them.
America: The Hungriest, Most Imprisoned Developed Country on Earth

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