Tuesday, June 15, 2010

China - and Japan, UK, gulf oil states - still have appetite for U.S. debt

not see that what had changed..., has changed..., again...


It was not just a few months ago that China sent U.S. a message
they stopped buying, and began selling !!!, some of our TBills.

The message was VERY clear = shut up about {Y}our exchange rates...
or we will sell you into bankruptcy.

Last month, they reversed course, and started to BUY more of {y}our TBills.
That was ALSO a message.
IF you are going to run up huge deficits, you will have to borrow from somebody.
We are, and we are.

China added to its big position in U.S. debt during the month of April
So did Japan. And the U.K.
And the big bloc of oil exporting nations that includes Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
All told, foreigners increased their net holdings in Treasury bonds and notes by more than $76 billion.
China still has appetite for U.S. debt

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