Thursday, June 17, 2010

Map: Where Americans Are Moving = This is What a Mobile Nation Looks Like

be very surprised at where people move from and to....

Thanks to Forbes Mag, you, too, can see this.

The first article is from The Atlantic, and shows U.S. only some of the views.

The second article is the source = Forbes Mag.

Note: If you click on a county you will see their inflow - black - and outflow - red.
AND If you click on the lines for their inflow and outflow you can see how many there are.

This is a wonderful toy..., enjoy!
This is What a Mobile Nation Looks Like


Interactive Feature

Map: Where Americans Are Moving

Jon Bruner

More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The map below visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.


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