Thursday, June 17, 2010

Federal budget deficit grows at slower pace in May + streak at 20 months = $135.9 Billion

not realize that you're up to your neck in do-do...

Here's the problem...
Housing has tanked
employment has tanked
state & local employment has tanked

They did improve health care, but did NOT solve the exploding cost problems

But, not just, like FDR, what we are about to do is CUT Federal spending...
by cutting state and local govt transfer payments
by cutting medicare & medicaid reimbursements to the states.
As "trickle down economics" proved to U.S., all Shiites run down hill.

But, quitting, before the job's job was done, we have now created another Great Depression - stage two.

Instead of it getting better..., it will, now, get a great deal worse.

Nobody ever got rich betting against the stupidity of {y}our neo-RonnieR's-conservatives.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 11 Jun 2010 at 11:39:24 AM GMT is:

$ 1 3 , 0 5 2 , 5 8 1 , 6 2 2 , 0 8 2 . 9 6
The estimated population of the United States is 308,540,320
so each citizen's share of this debt is 

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $4.10 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
Federal budget deficit grows at slower pace in May

Chart shows the monthly federal budget deficit
Treasury May Budget Deficit in U.S. at $135.9 Billion

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