Friday, June 18, 2010

Homeownership and positive externalities

not see the economic value of reducing crime, increasing educational opportunities, and "family values"..., to U.S.

Felix, there are a few "positive externalities" that you forgot to mention: first, while your main focus the economic are very important, they may not be the most significant. As for the economic, you will find from almost all studies of CLT/Affordable housing programs, that their new home owners are much MORE likely to stay current on their mortgage payments, and ALL their other debts. More so than other owners and almost all renters.

But, what is also significant is that new home owners also tend to have less divorces and commit fewer crimes. More important, if they have kids, the kids also commit fewer crimes, do better in school, get more higher education degrees, attend churches and play more community sports.

Not all of course, just as not all crack producers own their crack houses. Please note, most owners of crack houses do not stay long enough to pay off their 30 yr loans.

But, a LOT more new home owners, especially with children, do much better in life & society, by all of {y}our Judeo-Christian family values.
Homeownership and positive externalities

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