Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mortgage rates are near all-time low

wonder why we are not buying a lot'a new homes, or gett'n a REFI...

Actually, it is even more interesting than that.
Home prices in almost every state are falling, AFTER the end of the Buyer Tax Credit.

Bcuz, if you did not sell your home with all those incentives, you are not going to - at your selling price.

So..., what we are NOW seeing is that prices are falling - to the point that SOME buyers in SOME markets, can buy a home for less than they could UNDER the buyer tax credit.
Go figure???

So, now, with the lower prices AND lower mortgage rates...!!!
IF you need to buy, you CAN find some really great bargains.

Mortgage rates for June 9, 2010
alt text
Mortgage rates are near all-time low
Freddie Mac: Mortgage rates hit low for year
Yahoo! News
Refis Tough But Tempting With Rate Dip

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