Thursday, August 5, 2010

Eurosclerosis Comes to America


cogitate, and masticate, over this one..
or do both.
JGBHimself   Mesa, Az   August 5th, 2010   9:52 am

Once again Casey is @ bat, and striking out.

Said he:  "It is no surprise that adopting a European safety net is giving us a European unemployment problem."

As the Church Lady told U.S.: "Well, isn't that special." Or, stupid.

Unemployment is a "temporary" program, providing "temporary" relief to those who are fired or let go, but not those who quit. That benefits both the individuals and their families, and the communities they were in and those they can still afford to move into. To transition into another, hopefully as good as or better, job.

We see - tho possible even here Casey would strike out, no pun intended, and does not see - that providing an "investment tax credit" for businesses to transition themselves is wise tax, economic & legal policy.

We see - tho possible even here AGAIN Casey would strike out, no pun intended, and does not see - that providing an "oil depletion allowance" for Big Oil Companies - like Casey's BP friends, drilling for deep sea oil - to transition themselves arguably might be wise tax, economic & legal policy.

God forbid that we would do as Jesus would do - unto others as we would like them to do unto U.S.

Oh, and Casey, do YOU have tenure? And, yes, that was a joke.
JGBHimself   Mesa, Az  August 5th, 2010  9:52 am

And as if striking out once, when he loaded up his own bases, was not bad enough, said Prof Casey:

"the mortgage modification programs, begun by the Bush administration and tweaked by the Obama administration, offer mortgage forgiveness to borrowers with low incomes while offering nothing to those with high incomes."

MOG, Casey, is THAT not pregnant with meaning(s)...!!!

Do you, really, mean to tell U.S the the failure of BUSH's "mtg mod program" was ALL and only HIS fault, and not Barak's? Can we have a Tea Party to celebrate THAT wee, skoshi bit of wisdom?

Oh, and Prof, try selling THAT line of BS to the underwater, low income, prime and ARM loan-ees, who are now in foreclosure and bankruptcy, in the sand states of Cal, Nev, Fla & AZ !!!

The Good News is that now we know why - in the Koran's & Old Testament Biblical sense - Pigs, and the dah Chicago Bears, mcCain't fly.
Eurosclerosis Comes to America

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