Friday, August 6, 2010

What a truly amazing variety of graphs & charts...!!! for July's unemployment numbers

get that deja vu sinking feeling, all over again.

What a truly amazing variety of graphs & charts...!!!

Each one is so very different, attempting to show U.S. an accurate, if different view of the numbers outed this morning.

Only the 3rd one by NYTimes Catherine Rampell extract the temporary census hiring skewed numbers.
{Jim @ CR does that which we will show you later, too}

While the 1st & 2nd do show U.S. Govt separate from private, they also combine all Govt. -- the 3rd does not.

The 4th also by Catherine does not, but does show U.S. how deep AND how long this one is.

The 5th show U.S. more closely the FULL extent by adding in marginally attached workers.
And below shows U.S. the SIZE of the labor force AND the employed & unemployed.

The 6th & 7th show U.S the two side of the similar coin - the % of U.S. who are employed and the % of U.S. who are NOT.
--------------     One - NPR
Private sector growth has not been as robust as it had been earlier in the year.
-------------    Two - CNN
----------------    Three - NYT
---------------   Four - NYT
--------------------   Five
U.S. employment picture
---------   Six
Via Zero Hedge.
-----------   Seven NPR
Graph showing the U.S. unemployment rate
-------     Eight - NPR
Graph showing the monthly change in U.S. payrolls
-----------    AP services


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