Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Jobless claims jump to 3-month high = Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims August 05 2010

not see the real humor in the toon.

While the RTT chart does not show U.S. much, what it does show is how the level of new jobless claims have not changed much at all for over 9 months.
You do see that that is pregnant with meaning(s) to U.S....

That last three charts are odd, in they show different lengths for the last months of the Bush admin.
But, the 3rd is the most interesting. What it shows U.S. in spades is that the problem began a full year before the end of W term in office, and exploded up as h/we got closer to the end.

And, that after 4 months of Obama in office the new claims started down.., until 9 months ago.

But, as we all know, in politics it is:   "What have you done for me lately?"




New Jobless claims jump to 3-month high
Unemployment: Initial, Continued and Extended Claims August 05 2010

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