Saturday, December 25, 2010

About the Fortune Finance article below by Colin Barr

What we NEED to see, and understand, is the point that he is making
- while the EURO and the US$ swing up and down with regard to each other
with China tagging - or is that pegging - along.

BOTH the EURO and the US$ are falling all over the world.
As Colin points to the Swiss Franc
to be Frank with U.S.
readers/commentors as Seeking Alpha point out that this is ALSO true
with regard to the Australian & Canadian dollars...
and most other currencies of stable, growing economies.

What Colin ALSO pointed out is that their is a mass exodus from Govt 10yr bonds
from Germany, Japan, the UK and from U.S.
What THAT means is that short term interest has been driven UP.
That has transferred into a huge rise in (Y)our home mortgage costs.

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