Saturday, December 25, 2010

Not-so-happy tale of the Gasoline Grinch = Gas prices near $3 a gallon = Highest price ever at Christmas comes at the worst time for holiday drive

not wonder how you're gonna get to Grandmother's house...
bcuz, since you couldn't afford to buy HER a present...
you called to ask her to "put yours in the mail"...
before Congress shuts the USPO down.

Oddly, dear ol gannie told you where to "stick it"
if you don't show up to get it

But, not to worry, Caesar Chavez is making out like the bandit he is...
The Gulf oil states..., like IRAN...!!!


Not-so-happy tale of the Gasoline Grinch
Highest price ever at Christmas comes at the worst time for holiday drive
Gas prices near $3 a gallon

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