Monday, December 20, 2010

Weighing Costs, Companies Favor Temporary Help VS Should the Rise in Temporary Workers Scare Us? VS Explaining the Statistics on Temporary Hires

Finally, we will not miss out on a wonderful debate, between economists...!!!

But, this issue is very important for U.S., and you, two, too, may be missing something critical.
IF employers are hiring new, part- timers
and not full-timers...
what are they really doing?

One argument is that they are cherry picking those out of work with the best skill sets, and by picking up more part-timers than full-timers they are simply maximizing their current opportunities.

What we also think they are doing, since the layoff & fires are about equal to new hires...!!!
is to "replace" current lower quality employees with newer, cheaper, higher quality workers.
Again, maximizing their "golden", to them but not U.S., opportunity.

IF this "replacement" shift is taking place, both of you may be economically correct, but missing the real point.
The articles are in the order published: 1st Motoko Rich, 2nd Daniel Indiviglio rejoinder, and 3rd Motoko's rejoinder.
The 1st chart is from NYTimes
The next 2 are from Atlantic.
temp v private 2010-12.png
ratio temp 2010-12.png
Weighing Costs, Companies Favor Temporary Help
Should the Rise in Temporary Workers Scare Us?
Explaining the Statistics on Temporary Hires

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