Saturday, December 25, 2010

U.S. Existing Homes Sale Up 5.6% in November, Median Prices Remain Flat

think that everybody shared in this glorious news...
and not just, The West, aka, Californicates your data..

Daniel, inquiry:
Are those your charts or NARs?
According to Calculated Risk, "sales" are seasonally adjusted, but "inventory" is not.
So, not only is there that disconnect, but listings always decline in Dec, Jan & Feb.
Disirregardless, thanks for noting for U.S. that "mortgage apps" declined, a lot. 
What you are showing are "closed" transactions.
We need to watch NARs "pendings" and MBAs "mtg apps" over the next few months. Please do, for U.S., THANKS
existing home sales 2010-11.png
home inventory 2010-11 v2.png
U.S. Existing Homes Sale Up 5.6% in November
U.S. Homes Sale Up 5.6% in November, Median Prices Remain Flat

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