Friday, December 24, 2010

Lawler: Overall Housing Stock Growth Likely to Slow Even Further in 2011

not ask some questions that NEED to be asked...
then be given info that not only we need, to understand...
but that helps us see other things we would not see.
For some unknown reason, many housing “analysts” who talk about housing “supply” (shadow inventory, listings, etc.) do not even MENTION the outlook for the supply of the aggregate housing stock!!!!!!!
When we discuss residential investment and real GDP growth in 2011, we are talking about growth from the levels at the end of 2010.
Even though the overall housing production might be lower in 2011 (per Lawler's forecast), residential investment will probably make a positive contribution to GDP growth for the first time since 2005
Overall Housing Production
Lawler: Overall Housing Stock Growth Likely to Slow Even Further in 2011

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