Friday, July 2, 2010

Payrolls in U.S. Fall 125,000; Jobless Rate at 9.5%

not be a wee skoshi bit confused by The Charts...:
1st by the Labor Dept
2nd by the White House
3rd by FinFacts
4th by AP abd the NYTimes.

It's almost as if the census did not actually happen every 10 years.

While you might see the AP article in your local newspaper or on the web,
you probably will not see or read the Bloomberg or FinFacts stories.
You should read them, they are very good.

Once again, we marvel at how very good the FinFacts stories and charts are, and ask why is it from Ireland that we get these excellent reports, and not here with U.S.?

Employment fell for the first this year in June as thousands of temporary census jobs ended and private hiring grew less than expected. REUTERS/Stephen Culp
CEA 7.2.10 Jobs Chart 1

Yahoo! News

Payrolls drop by 125K, jobless rate falls
US jobs numbers fell by by 125,000 in June
Broad measure of unemployment dipped to 16.5%

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