Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CEPR: CPI Edges Up 0.1 Percent = Rents slowly accelerate amidst slowing medical care and falling vehicle prices + Twelve days of Christmas cost 9 percent more this year

not see that not much is more expensive...
except for Christmas...!!!

US budget only up US$ 1 Trillion....
huge increase in retail sales, for Christmas...
high unemployment & bankruptcies...
But, they stopped foreclosing on U.S...
so we could stay at home..., until after Christmas.
cpi 2010-11 cht1.png
cpi 2010-11 cht2 v3.png
CEPR: CPI Edges Up 0.1 Percent
Rents slowly accelerate amidst slowing medical care and falling vehicle prices
Twelve days of Christmas cost 9 percent more this year

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