Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phoenix homes more affordable than in 2000 = Foreclosure Trends + Google Trends & demand for “Arizona homes”

miss John Wake's very informative web site and charts.
In these three charts, we see that foreclosures did appear to have peaked & started to drop, and then started back up. However, this chart does not show U.S. the "Robosigning" effect, so the next quarter should show a decline, and the quarter after that a sharp increase. Long term numbers are simply unknowable.
The 3rd chart is unique to John, and shows a steady decline in Google home searches, from the peak in 05 to the collapse beginning in 06. Note that Phoenix, like the other sand states began to collapse long before the rest of U.S.
The 2nd chart from FMae shows U.S. the before N after.
Note: that while the sand states of Cal, Nev, Fla & AZ clearly show that things are almost back to pre-WBush levels, WAnOR do not.
NOTE: that WA & OR were very late getting to the party, and currently are dropping faster than the sand states. Meaning that they are NOT back to normal - yet.
Arizona Real Estate Notebook
“Wake Up and Call John!”
- John Wake, Associate Broker, HomeSmart Real Estate



Maricopa County Foreclosure Trends
Google Trends & demand for “Arizona homes”
Phoenix homes more affordable than in 2000

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