Friday, December 17, 2010

Consumer + Import and export + Producer = prices in November 2010

not see that
"It's the price of oil, stupid!"

While the cost of used vehicles exceeds both new and everything else...
tis the cost of energy that is causing most if not all of the inflationary pressure on U.S.

In all  three measured sectors - consumer, imports and produced goods
what is costing U.S. more is
3     food
2     medical care
1st   energy
Percent change for 12 months ended November 2010, Consumer Price Index for All Urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted
1-month percent change in Import Price Indexes, November 2009–November 2010
Over-the-month percent change in the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods, November 2010, seasonally adjusted
BLS = TED: The Editor's Desk

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