Saturday, July 24, 2010

Existing Home Sales decline in June + Existing Home Inventory increases 4.7% Year-over-Year

not realized that when things look normal, Calculated Risks charts are the best available...
and when they are NOT normal, CR's charts are even more interesting and valuable.
This IS an "Interregnum"...
between reigns..., of EX-ploding sales and prices, with cheap money fueling it.
between IM-ploding sales and prices, with cheap money trying to force back the tide.

What you NEED and MUST remember is that in July 08 there was NO source for RE loans to U.S.
The end was NOT near..., it was ON top of U.S.

As Little Red Ridding Hood said to herself:
            "We mccAin't got outa these woods, yet!
            {or something like that....}
Snail emoticon
Remember, go to CR's web site for the LARGE charts
Thursday, July 22, 2010
by CalculatedRisk on 7/22/2010 10:00:00 AM
Thursday, July 22, 2010
by CalculatedRisk on 7/22/2010 11:19:00 AM

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