Saturday, July 24, 2010

Job creation trumps deficit reduction in poll

assume The People think what we thought they thunk...
Job creation trumps deficit reduction in poll
American voters overwhelmingly say lowering unemployment is more important than reducing the federal budget deficit, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday.
The poll, conducted July 13-19, showed that 64 percent of respondents thought reducing the jobless rate should be a bigger priority versus 30 percent who favored focusing on cutting the budget deficit.
A majority of Republicans -- 58 percent to 38 percent -- also said reducing unemployment was more important
Seventy-nine percent believed the United States was still in a recession, up from 74 percent in May, and 52 percent said the economy was not beginning to recover. Twenty-three percent said the economy was getting better, 31 percent said it was getting worse and 44 percent saw no change.
But more people still blamed former President George W. Bush for the current economic conditions -- 53 percent versus 25 percent who blamed Obama.

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